I never experience a love that is so intense and passionate as yours.
You came into my life like a hurricane smashing me in a different direction.
It’s like a rush of water that my only escape from drowning is for me to hold your hand.
You are a gift given to me but sent to the wrong address, but when finally you came to my doorstep after quite some time, I would still recognize you even how intricately you were wrapped; still, I would know that you are mine.
You came with certainty—claiming your spot in my life even before I knew it.
Your words of love and affection are like my favorite songs—I keep on listening to again and again.
Your steady love and assurance are like my favorite book that no matter how many times I read them, I will always come back rereading them.
You are my very own love letter from GOD.
And I am so grateful it’s you because I am so certain that at this very moment—IT WILL ALWAYS BE YOU.
— from an unpublished book, “The Letters I Kept Behind My Pillow”