I always dream small because I don’t think I am capable of dreaming big.

I always shut down myself when I think of all the possibilities because I don’t want to be disappointed.

you came.

You were able to show me how to dream—big enough for me to be excited about what lies ahead.

You were able to made sure every step I took were a path that leads me to all the possibilities; that even if I fail—there’s the assurance that I can always start again.

You were the eyes that I needed whenever I don’t see what I deserve.

You were the ears that constantly whispers in my head: “You got this!”

You taught me to trust life a little bit and trust myself even more.

You taught me courage to own my course; to follow my own gut feel; and to make the most of my gifts.

It seems ideal, but no—I see your frustrations every time I go back to square one, but above all—your patience is superpower; you crack me open.

And it got me to thinking—
If someone never gives up on me; why would I?

*image: vero manrique / unsplash

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