It’s not a question of “WHEN.”

When will the pain end?

When will I move on?

When can I stop my heart from missing and loving someone?

When will I be happy again?

And the list goes on for all your “WHEN?

But while the goal is to be in that place, forget the “WHEN” (for now), and focus on processing your emotions.

Don’t try to suppress or escape the pain because it is there for a reason. Befriend it if you must. 

Take your time feeling it because when we’re breaking, we’re in a moment of introspection. 

We find meaning in every broken piece. We put ourselves in the front seat and realize what has become of us throughout these years and experiences—of making and breaking, of loving and learning, of letting go and holding on…

Honestly—there’s no timeframe.

But one thing I am sure of—YOU WILL KNOW. 



— Lavender Pen | ink the unsaid…

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