My kind of love is the kind that STAYS.
When it rushes, and then slows down, and goes downhill—it stays.
When there are questions, and there are answers, even how vague it would be or no answers at all—it stays.
When there’s more rain, no rainbows, and sunshine—it stays.
When it gives confusions instead of certainties—it stays.
When the pieces end up scattered, or it no longer fits—it stays.
When it gets lost, it still believes, trusts—and it stays.
When it wrinkled, becomes grey, and the vision turns blurry—it stays.
And when it dried up, withered, and slowly fades—IT WILL ALWAYS STAY.
And when it stays…
I hope your kind of love is the kind that FIGHTS.
— Lavender Pen | ink the unsaid…